+ How can I book a tour?
You can easily book a tour via our booking system on the website. There you will also find an overview of all tour dates.
+ How do your tours work and how much do they cost?
Our tours take place on a regular basis on various topics. Depending on availability, everyone can take part. The prices vary, you can find more detailed information in the respective tour description.
+ How long does a tour take?
A standard tour usually lasts two hours. The duration can also be longer or shorter on selected tours. Detailed information can be found in the respective tour description.
+ How many people can take part in a tour?
The number of participants varies depending on the tour. As a rule, there is an upper limit of 15 people.
+ Is there a minimum number of participants?
In order for a tour to take place, at least four people must have registered. If this is not the case, the tour can be canceled. You will be informed by e-mail as soon as possible and will of course receive your money back.
+ In which languages do you offer tours?
Our tours are offered in German and English - selected tours are also available in Portuguese and Spanish. You can simply select your preferred language in our booking system. The same applies to private tours.
+ Where is the meeting point for the tour?
Depending on the tour, there are certain starting and endpoints. You will find more detailed information in the respective tour description.
+ What is a private tour?
In contrast to a regular tour, a private tour can be booked by a closed group of people who can also freely choose the topic, language, date and time depending on availability.
+ How much does a private tour cost?
For groups of up to six people, the tour costs €250. For groups of up to ten people, the tour costs €300.
+ How can I book a private tour?
Please use the contact form in the “PRIVATE-Category” to send us your request with all the key facts. You can also write us an email, a message on Instagram or Facebook or simply call us. We will then get in touch with you :)
+ Who will be my guide?
Depending on availability, Basti or Gabi or both of them together :)
+ Will the tours also take place in case of bad weather?
Yes, of course, but we will try to get you through the tour as dry as possible ;) We still recommend an umbrella or rain protection tough.
+ What payment options do you have?
We ask you to pay in advance by credit card or Paypal via our booking system on the website. In exceptional cases, you can also pay by online banking or in cash on site.
+ Can I cancel a tour I have already booked?
Regular tours can be cancelled free of charge up to 48 hours before the start of the tour via your confirmation email (you will receive this after a successful booking). Private tours can be cancelled up to five days in advance by phone or email. Unfortunately, we cannot accept cancellations later than this.
+ How can I change the day/time of my tour?
Up to 48 hours before the originally booked tour, you can change your date directly via the confirmation email you received from us. Your can also tell us your change requests by email or phone. We will always try to find a good solution for you.
+ How can I buy a voucher?
You can easily buy vouchers under the VOUCHER section of the website. You will then receive an email including a booking code and can print out the voucher at home and give it as a gift or simply send it on. Vouchers are valid for two years.
+ Do you also offer tours for children?
We are planning our own tours for children. Until then, we are of course also happy for children to take part in our tours. The price for children from 10 to 16 years is 15€. Children up to 10 years do not have to pay anything. We are happy to put together a private tour suitable for children on request. This option is also available for school classes or other groups.
+ Where can I give you a review?
We look forward to any feedback from you. You are welcome to rate us on Google or TripAdvisor or link to us in your social media stories or posts and use the hashtags #rebeltoursvienna and #followthecurls.